Military Resource Page
Congratulations to all Russell County Schools for receiving this prestigious
"Purple Star" designation!
Military Connected Families
Welcome to Russell County, Alabama, where we welcome and support our military-connected families. We work diligently to support military families and address transitional challenges through the efforts of our students, teachers, counselors, school administrators, and our military student point of contact.
We are committed to partnering with you to ensure excellence in the education of our military-connected students. Each year, we create exciting opportunities to celebrate our military-connected children and their families with a number of special events. We highlight our community's Veterans, by sponsoring Veterans Day assemblies, walk-a-thons, and parades; Month of the Military Child (MoMC) events, Military Appreciation Night at football games, service projects, and much more!
We are proud to offer on-campus MSTC (Military Student Transition Consultant), MFLC (Military Family Life Counselor), and the Student 2 Student Program, known as eS2S for the Elementary Schools, jS2S for the Middle Schools, and S2S for the High Schools. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the sponsor at your student's school.
Military-Connected Family Support School Liaison