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Russell County School District

Logo Title

Federal Programs/ESL

Jina Rudolph, Director ESSER

 Jina Rudolph 
 Federal Programs Director


Christian Clack, Administrative Assistant

Christian Clack
Administrative Assistant

This is a photo of one of our district ESOL teachers, Mrs. Angela Ellis. She is wearing a black top

Angela Ellis
District ESOL 

Cynthia Szumlanski, EL Teacher

Cynthia Szumlanski
District ESOL 

Mary McBride, Parent Liasion

Mary McBride
Parent Involvement Specialist / Homeless Liaison

Department Overview

The Federal Programs Department administers federally funded education programs by providing assistance to schools in the Russell County School District.  The primary goal is to improve achievement through increased parental involvement, teacher training, and additional student services.  RCSD receives funding to administer programs under the federal mandate of "Every Student Succeeds Act."  


The responsibilities of the Department of Federal Programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Title I, Part A - Continuous Improvement Planning 
  • Title I, Part C - Migrant 
  • Title I, Part D - Neglected and Delinquent
  • Title II - Improving Teacher Quality 
  • Title III - English Language 
  • Title IV Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment 
  • Title V - McKinney-Vento Homeless
  • Parents Right to Know 
  • Office of Student Readiness First Class Pre-K 
  • Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) 


Title I operates as a part of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. Among the features of ESSA are sanctions for schools that do not make adequate yearly progress for two consecutive years and rewards for schools that make adequate yearly progress for three consecutive years. The Federal Programs Office is responsible for providing the leadership and assistance to schools to ensure that the intent of the legislation is carried out.

In Russell County, the Title I program is funded to provide supplemental resources to help economically disadvantaged children meet the same high level of academic proficiency as is expected of all children. This grant provides funds for Schoolwide Programs (SWP). Services are also provided for institutions for neglected children, homeless children, and migrant children.

The major areas of focus for Title I programs are reading and mathematics. The major components of Title I Programs are comprehensive needs assessments, research-based strategies, data-driven decision making for improvement, professional learning, and parental involvement.

Title I provides support and resources to schools; encourages the use of continuous assessment and data-driven educational decision-making; and assists schools in creating the alignment of teacher training, scientifically based strategies, educational best practices, and instructional materials aligned with State curriculum standards.