Mission Statement
The mission of the Russell County Board of Education's Comprehensive School Guidance and Counseling program is to prepare every student socially, academically and emotionally for present and future challenges. Our comprehensive program addresses the educational, career and personal/social competencies necessary for all students to function and contribute in a changing society.
RCSD's counseling services fall under the direction of the Department of Prevention and Support services.
To contact the P & S office, please call:
(334) 468-5190
Do you need to find mental health resources for your student?
Send a message to our Mental Health Service Coordinator!
Allison Nickless
Counselor's Role
Our school counselors are responsible for the systematic delivery and evaluation of structured developmental counseling and guidance services to all students. Counselors work with students individually and in small groups to deal with unique or problem-centered concerns.
- Ensures every student has access to the school counseling program and guidance program
- Promotes the most challenging and appropriate academic curriculum for each student
- Advocates for students and promotes equitable access to educational opportunities
- Supports active partnerships for student learning and career planning
- Invites and coordinates access to school and community resources
- Provides training and informational workshops
- Provides a workforce with a stronger academic foundation
- Promotes equity and access to the workforce
Guidance Curriculum Focus
- Decision-making
- Goal setting
- Peer relationships
- Self-awareness
- Career awareness
- World of work
- Labor market information
- Educational and career planning
Elementary School Counselors
Dixie - Jennifer Carey,
Oliver - Alicia Bonner,
Ladonia - Tesa De Young,
Mt. Olive Primary - Wanda Barefoot,
Mt. Olive Intermediate - Candace Blackwood,
Russell County Middle School Counselors
Michelle Banks,
Rebeccah Craig,
Russell County High School Counselors
Akeshia Valrie,
Lauren Donnelly,
Shawndrisa Malone,
Intimidation and Bullying
In an effort to minimize antisocial behaviors in the school environment, the RCBOE has created a process whereby a student, parent, guardian, or bystander may report instances of bullying to the school administrator for further review and investigation. Upon completion of this reporting form, please submit the form to an administrator, counselor, or teacher. All reported incidents of bullying may be investigated, and when necessary, school administrators apply appropriate disciplinary consequences.
Please use the following link if you need to report a possible instance of bullying. The counselor and administration from the school you pick will receive the information you submit.
Online Bullying Report Form
Russell County Board of Education Policy: 6.18 Bullying, Intimidation, Violence, and Threats of Violence
6.18.1 Prohibition - No student shall engage in nor should be subjected to bullying, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by any other student that is based on any of the specific characteristics set forth in this policy. Students who violate this policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions as specified in the Student Code of Conduct, subject to the investigating school administrator's authority and decision.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
The District has counselors at both the elementary and secondary levels that have received training in Youth Mental Health First Aid. This course teaches how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) that is experiencing a mental health/addiction challenge or is in crisis. It introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
Child Advocacy Center
Our District receives services from the Child Advocacy Center. Their multi-disciplinary approach treats abused children, youth and their families, as well as supports their recovery and seeks to stop the cycle of abuse. They visit classes within the District and provide information to students on how to report child abuse/neglect and how to stay safe on social media.