District Goals
- Goal #1: Create a Safe Environment
- Goal #2: Establish and Maintain a Professional, Diverse Workforce
- Goal #3: Create a Positive Culture and Climate
- Goal #4: Improve Academic Growth and Achievement
Goal #1: Create a Safe Environment
Objective 1 - Continue to maintain and monitor the safety plan in conjunction with local law enforcement to comply with the ALSDE safety protocols for all seven RCSD schools.
- Collaborate with local law enforcement on up-to-date safety policies and procedures.
- Routinely update district and school-level safety plans to reflect campus improvements, staff training and safety resources.
- Provide ongoing safety training to all RCSD employees.
- Engage in regular practice, implementation, and documentation of safety procedures.
Objective 2 - Utilize stakeholder feedback to measure and improve overall school safety.
Objective 3- To improve and maintain our organization's resilience against cyber threats, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical information assets.
Goal #2: Establish and Maintain a Professional, Diverse Workforce
Objective 1 - Employ and develop highly competent staff.
Host annual job fair for all employee candidates.
Employ qualified staff for each academic school year.
Implement a relevant professional development plan at the district and school levels to build the capacity for improving the quality of all staff members.
Build leadership capacity and knowledge in current and aspiring administrators.
Maintain positive relationships with Institutes of Higher Education.
Personnel Objective 2 - Support and retain faculty and staff hired in the Russell County School District.
Provide annual support through professional development and a mentorship program.
Establish an Employee Assistance Program.
Implement support meetings/counseling for employees needing professional certification.
Accommodate faculty and staff career choices when possible.
Establish an Exit Interview process in order to improve district and school-level retention.
Goal #3: Create a Positive Culture and Climate
Objective 1 - Maintain comprehensive student support systems which develop the whole child.
- Support WIA students through interventions from the At-Risk Coach.
- Secure funding sources and maintain community partnerships that help support mental health as part of a well-balanced life.
- Implement school level programs that strengthen overall student well-being, respect between peers and adults, and trust for one another’s well being.
- Cultivate opportunities for students to lead, engage, and support the community in an effort to develop citizenship.
- Implement Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies and character education in all schools.
- Actively engage the RCSD community to strengthen stakeholder partnerships for supporting the evolving needs of students, schools, and the community.
Objective 2 - Enhance the support and opportunities to improve the culture and climate for the faculty and staff.
- Collaborate with outside agencies to ensure faculty and staff well-being.
- Utilize a system of rewards to recognize and show appreciation.
Objective 3 - Improve student discipline by maintaining proper documentation and implementing programs aimed at reducing student incidents.
- Implement Positive Behavior Support Intervention (PBIS) strategies and/or programs at each school across the district.
- Implement early behavior interventions through school level MTSS.
- Develop an after school program and/or school for students who have committed severe behavior infractions while at the WIA, or who may be on the cusp of expulsion.
- Host a yearly Discipline Summit to ensure proper PowerSchool Coding, address behavior initiatives, and update the district Code of Conduct.
- Establish post-WIA Mentors at RCMS and RCHS that mentor students who have returned from the WIA.
Objective 4 - Improve student discipline by maintaining proper documentation and implementing programs aimed at reducing student incidents.
- Maintain attendance guidelines and proper truancy steps at the district and local school levels.
- Chronic absenteeism interventions.
- Implement positive attendance incentives and/or programs at each school across the district.
Goal #4: Improve Academic Growth and Achievement
- Submit lesson plans for content instruction weekly.
- Collect data on teacher effectiveness using ATOT
- Collect data on student engagement using ELEOT.
Objective 2- RCSD students will attain 2% growth annually in reading (ELA) and math proficiency on the state-mandated assessment administered in the spring of each year, as measured by ACAP data.
- Train teachers in differentiated settings and through PLCs on standards and legislation pertaining to curriculum.
- Progress monitor student growth & achievement using iReady/Mastery Prep.
Review and discuss data throughout the year and adhere to MTSS guidelines for student success.
Celebrate student growth & achievement and effective instruction (i.e. student led conferences, goal setting).
Objective 3- RCSD special education teachers and general education teachers will collaborate to support student attainment of 2% growth annually in reading and math proficiency on state-mandated assessments, as measured by ACAP data.
Objective 4- Russell County High School will increase its Alabama Graduation rate from 94.04% in 2022 to 98% or higher by 2027.
- Implementation of the ACT prep support program such as MasteryPrep suite at RCHS.
- Implement credit recovery and grade recovery options each semester, as well as summer school, via Edgenuity.
Objective 5- Russell County High School will increase the College and Career Readiness rate from 73.7% in 2022 to 98% in 2027.
- Implementation of the ACT prep support program such as MasteryPrep suite at RCHS.
- Annually implement WorkKeys remediation program and assess students during their junior year.
- Conduct annual 14-1 CTE Walkthroughs.
Objective 6- RCSD teachers will increase digital learning experiences by 0.2 points annually as measured by the ELEOT tool, with baseline data being collected during the 2022-2023 school year.